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Using Vocabulary Manager to Apply Terms to a Model

The Vocabulary Manager manages a set of localised terms for a model.

Run this code on replit

const { ModelManager, Concerto, DecoratorManager } = require('@accordproject/concerto-core');
const { VocabularyManager } = require('@accordproject/concerto-vocabulary');
const { Printer } = require('@accordproject/concerto-cto');

try {
// create the model manager, used to manage a consistent set of
// related models
const mm = new ModelManager();

// add a CTO file (as a string) to the model manager
mm.addModel(`namespace test@1.0.0

abstract concept Person
o String firstName
o String lastName

concept Driver extends Person {
o String favoriteColor

concept Car identified by vin
o String vin
o Person owner

// create the vocabulary manager, used to localize a model into a locale
// we register a function to be used to create terms that have not been set
const vocManager = new VocabularyManager( {missingTermGenerator: VocabularyManager.englishMissingTermGenerator});

// define the English vocabulary
locale: en
namespace: test@1.0.0
- Person: A person
- lastName: Last name
- firstName: First name
- Driver: A driver of a vehicle
- favoriteColor: favorite color`);

// define the British English vocabulary
locale: en-gb
namespace: test@1.0.0
- Driver: A driver of a vehicle
- favoriteColor: favourite colour`);

// generate decorators for the 'en-gb' locale
// try changing this to 'en' and check the term for Driver.favoriteColor
const commandSet = vocManager.generateDecoratorCommands(mm, 'en-gb');

// apply to the model
const newModelManager = DecoratorManager.decorateModels( mm, commandSet);

// get the type declaration for the data
const typeDeclaration = newModelManager.getType('test@1.0.0.Driver');

// for fun, let's print the decorated model as a CTO string
const modelAst = typeDeclaration.getModelFile().getAst();
const decoratedCto = Printer.toCTO(modelAst);
console.log('Model Decorated with Terms for en-gb locale:');

// note the terms used for the Car: these were all created by
// the VocabularyManager.englishMissingTermGenerator function that
// we registered on the VocabularyManager

// get the fully-qualified name for the type declaration
const fqn = typeDeclaration.getFullyQualifiedName();
// iterate over each of the properties of the type declaration
// and print the decorators and arguments
p => console.log(`- ${p.getName()} : ${p.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()} ${p.getDecorators().map(d => `[${d.getName()}=${d.getArguments()}`)}]`));
catch (err) {

These APIs allow you to manage the localised terms associated with a model.