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Decorator Commands

Decorator Command Sets are an advanced feature that allow you to externalize the definition of decorators from your model into a JSON file, and then to programmatically apply the Decorator Commands to a model at runtime, to produce a newly decorated model.

Decorator Commands can add/update/remove decorators to targeted elements in the model: concepts, properties etc.

Decorator Command Sets are useful to dynamically decorate your models, keeping the models clean, whilst exposing decorated model elements to clients.

For example, you can decorate a model with Vocabulary terms by requesting that the VocabularyManager convert the vocabulary to a Decorator Command Set, which can then be applied to the model.

// generate decorators for the 'en-GB' locale
const commandSet = vocabularyManager.generateDecoratorCommands(modelManager, 'en-GB');
// apply to the model
const newModelManager = DecoratorManager.decorateModels( modelManager, commandSet);

Sample input model to decorate:

namespace test

concept Person {
o String firstName
o String lastName
o String bio
o String ssn

Using the Concerto Core API to apply a decorator command set:

// load a model to decorate
const testModelManager = new ModelManager();
const modelText = fs.readFileSync('./test/data/decoratorcommands/test.cto', 'utf-8');
testModelManager.addCTOModel(modelText, 'test.cto');

// decorate the models, returning the modified model manager
const dcs = fs.readFileSync('./test/data/decoratorcommands/web.json', 'utf-8');
const decoratedModelManager = DecoratorManager.decorateModels( testModelManager,;

The Decorator Command Set below defines three decorator commands:

  1. Upset (update/insert) the @Form("inputType", "text") decorator to all properties on type String
  2. Append the @New decorator to all properties of type String
  3. Upsert the @Form("inputType", "textArea") decorator to the property

Definition of Decorator Command Set:

"$class" : "org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.DecoratorCommandSet",
"name" : "web",
"version": "1.0.0",
"commands" : [
"$class" : "org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.Command",
"type" : "UPSERT",
"target" : {
"$class" : "org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.CommandTarget",
"type" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.StringProperty"
"decorator" : {
"$class" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.Decorator",
"name" : "Form",
"arguments" : [
"$class" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.DecoratorString",
"value" : "inputType"
"$class" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.DecoratorString",
"value" : "text"
"$class" : "org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.Command",
"type" : "APPEND",
"target" : {
"$class" : "org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.CommandTarget",
"type" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.StringProperty"
"decorator" : {
"$class" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.Decorator",
"name" : "New",
"arguments" : []
"$class" : "org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.Command",
"type" : "UPSERT",
"target" : {
"$class" : "org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.CommandTarget",
"namespace" : "test",
"declaration" : "Person",
"property" : "bio"
"decorator" : {
"$class" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.Decorator",
"name" : "Form",
"arguments" : [
"$class" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.DecoratorString",
"value" : "inputType"
"$class" : "concerto.metamodel@1.0.0.DecoratorString",
"value" : "textArea"

Model file with decorators applied (output):

namespace test

concept Person {
@Form("inputType", "text")
o String firstName
@Form("inputType", "text")
o String lastName
@Form("inputType", "textArea")
o String bio
@Form("inputType", "text")
o String ssn